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Call for proposals for the further development of human measurement models

Human Measurement Models: Next steps in model development

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This information page is intended for researchers and their collaborative partners who consider submitting a research application. 

Why this call for proposals?

Health research that holds good predictive value for human situations is important to ensure that outcomes can be applied to humans. Human measurement models are research models based on the human situation, such as human cells and tissues on a chip, or computer models based on data collected in humans. By using human measurement models, health research is expected to be better predictable and faster applicable for patients. Also, science will be less dependent on animal models.

To stimulate the development of human measurement models, the Association of Collaborating Health Foundations (SGF), Health~Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences & Health) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) have opened a new call for proposals within the Human Measurement Models programme. This third call focuses on further development of promising human measurement models.

More information can be found in the call text below.

Who can apply?

An application can be submitted by a consortium that should consist of:

  • A minimum of two research institutes, one of which being the main applicant
  • Collaboration partners or co-applicants, at least one being a for-profit enterprise

For the Human Measurement Models programme, subsidy to stimulate Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) is made available. Therefore, specific PPP-conditions apply, including mandatory co-funding. These conditions, as well as call-specific conditions, have been described in the Call for proposals, which can be downloaded below.

What can you apply for?

For every project, a maximum of 1 million Euro can be requested.
In total, there is over 5.4 million Euro available this round.
The duration of a project should be between 2-4 years.

How can you apply?

The application and required attachments should be sent to humanemeetmodellen@gezondheidsfondsen.nl before October 4th 2024, 2:00 pm CE(S)T.

It’s important that (at least) the following completed forms are included:

Application form
Budget sheet
Draft concept consortium agreement
Letter(s) of commitment

Important dates


May 14, 2024: Opening of Call 3 Human measurement model
June 10, 2024: Online information meeting (3:00 pm CE(S)T).
The meeting can be joined via this link.
October 4, 2024: Deadline submission of applications (2:00 pm CE(S)T)
April 2025: Decision of awarded proposals
September 2025: Last possible starting date of projects


Contact or apply

Do you have questions about the call for proposals?

Send an email to:
